5/19/2020 8:49:44 AM Diversity dressing - The Hidden Figures By AMC Executive Search Very interesting Mercer research report on the issues of Diversity across Key Decision Makers (KDM) within Investment teams globally....
1/15/2019 11:57:02 AM The psycho-cultural barriers women face are hard to overcome because they are not obvious. By AMC Executive Search In a profession that requires no greater demands on work-life balance to other highly compensated professions though still has far less...
8/29/2018 12:00:00 AM Demand for Smart Beta Investment products at an all time high By AMC Executive Search Fascinating report published by FTSE Russell about the growth trends behind Smart Beta index products over the last five years with...
8/28/2018 10:21:12 AM Liquid Alternatives Eat Into Institutional Allocations in Absolute Return By Mark Holbrook New Research by German specialist manager Lupus Alpha suggests that institutional allocations in Liquid Alternatives and Risk Premia...