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UK Wealth Managers & The Diversity Imperative

Wealth management reports frequently cite the Centre for Economic and Business Research’s eye-opening revelation that 60 per cent of UK wealth will be in women’s hands by 2025. Wealth managers who fail to recognise the specific needs of a growing potential female client base, or assume that a “one size fits all” approach will do the job, are likely to miss what could prove to be a rewarding field.

Of course, female clients take many forms. Some are time-poor businesswomen or entrepreneurs seeking to delegate, and many want guidance as they approach retirement. But a sizeable number are either going through divorce or recently widowed and trying to make decisions that historically were made as a couple or left to their partner.

The need for greater gender diversity in the Financial Planning community has never been more important to players in this space. It is a given that female customers respond to different engagement styles than men and this inherently requires different FP profiles. 

For many decades, the UK’s wealth management industry was heavily male-dominated, and focused largely on the husbands who, on the whole, both earned and managed clients’ family finances.  That focus has broadened in recent years, driven partly by the rise of female entrepreneurs and career women and partly by the fact that women often outlive their spouses, so often take control of the family wealth when their husbands die and before it passes to the next generation. While this has long been true, the unprecedented wealth amassed by the post-second world war cohort has created many more rich widows.


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