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World of Infrastructure: Energy Transition

The once conservative and steady world of infrastructure investing has been thoroughly disrupted by revolutions in energy, mobility, and digitisation.  Given the transformative changes happening in infrastructure and the unpredictable speed of the energy transition, investors must carefully examine their current portfolios. Investors face increased risk as they venture into new types of infrastructure assets. These next-generation investments include various areas such as electric-vehicle (EV) charging networks, battery storage, hydrogen distribution, smart motorway and rail technology, 5G telecom networks, and data centers.  We remain committed to assisting our clients in acquiring skilled investment professionals capable of providing nascent investment strategies. 

Traditionally staid and stable, infrastructure investing has been shaken up by revolutions in energy, mobility, and digitization. Here’s how investors can stay ahead of the curve. Infrastructure investing has long offered investors the best of both worlds: low-maintenance investments with predictable risk profiles and strong, consistent returns, even through chaotic periods.


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