12/2/2024 1:11:09 PM The best definition of leadership I have heard: 'Ambition for Others'... By Mark Holbrook In September I attended the annual conference of the Bermuda life insurance industry body, BILTIR. 2023's event was fantastic and this...
2/22/2024 2:44:29 PM Annuity Providers Shore-Up £ Corporate Bond Issuance By Sarah Austin-Keyworth There are signs that the currently healthy state of corporate bond issuance in sterling is encouraging non-UK domiciled companies to...
10/24/2023 4:19:31 PM Life Insurers face an existential dilemma as the world grows older By Mark Holbrook Capgemini Research Institute's newly published report on the future of the global life insurance industry poses some existential dilemmas...
10/3/2023 10:41:00 AM The LDI Crisis a year on: Collateral is key but the Credit markets have held up... By Mark Holbrook Fiscal policy, international monetary policy, pensions frameworks, investment strategies, even contract documentation in areas like...
8/7/2023 11:43:35 AM 'Draw-Nuities' might represent the future of the Retirement industry... By Mark Holbrook The 2015 Pensions Freedoms ushered-in a new era for the Drawdown product as the pre-eminent instrument of decumulation for UK retirees. ...
7/6/2023 2:50:18 PM ABI Champion Regulatory Improvements to Empower Savers and Fuel UK Investment By Adam Garrod Insurance professionals are urging crucial regulatory improvements to create an environment that prioritises the interests of savers and...
7/6/2023 2:02:59 PM Regulator: Do Funded Reinsurance - but for the right reasons... By Mark Holbrook On 15th June the Bank of England's Insurance Supervisor published an open letter to the industry, in which it cited a number of...
5/26/2023 12:57:16 PM Illiquid Assets Resurgence: Opportunities for Insurers in Shifting Landscape By Adam Garrod Following the fallout from Autumn 2022's failed mini-budget, institutional investors are showing renewed interest in illiquid assets. The...
1/20/2023 4:47:27 PM Annuities - Finally in the Shop Window? By Adam Garrod After a year of financial market volatility and economic uncertainty, annuity offerings have seen their attractiveness surge for the...
9/29/2021 11:47:14 AM Social Purpose in a Crisis: EU Releases Solvency Capital to Insurers whilst the UK considers Own Measures By Mark Holbrook There has been an increasing amount of discussion about expanding the role which the Life and Pensions industry might play in rebuilding...
7/12/2021 10:50:51 AM Strategic Bond Funds prosper as Inflation and Equity sell-off fears increase… By Mark Holbrook There is a consensus of opinion that, by and large, bond managers and their funds have withstood the challenges of the post-Covid...
5/19/2021 11:53:51 AM Matching Adjustment assets reach £335bn, as the search for quality Illiquid Credit expertise continues... By Mark Holbrook The search for Illiquidity Premium by long duration investors continues unabated, with latest PRA figures suggesting a steady but...