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Building the Path to Net-Zero: Infrastructure Investment Opportunities in Green Real Estate

The global real estate sector faces a significant challenge in reducing its carbon footprint to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Currently linked to a considerable share of global emissions and energy consumption, urgent action is required to combat the effects of climate change. Governments and regulations are pushing for energy-efficient buildings, but more rapid and extensive changes are needed to meet the 2050 target.

Infrastructure investors play a crucial role in supporting the transition to net-zero emissions. Onsite renewable energy production, such as roof-mounted photovoltaic panels, is increasingly popular, enabling real estate owners to cut energy costs and reduce carbon emissions while benefiting the environment. Critical infrastructure assets like smart metering, on-site EV charging points, and carbon capture technology also contribute significantly to lowering building emissions. Electrification of trucks through EV infrastructure is essential in the logistics sector to substantially decrease its carbon footprint.

Coordination between real estate and infrastructure development is pivotal in achieving the Net Zero scenario milestones. Infrastructure investors have a unique opportunity to secure attractive risk-adjusted returns by supporting the growing demand from property owners seeking emission reductions and cost savings resulting from this sustainable transition. Early movers in this sector stand to gain significant advantages as the need for critical infrastructure facilitating decarbonization continues to grow.

Getting on track with the Net Zero Scenario… calls for co-ordination between real estate and infrastructure development. The scale of the challenge underscores the opportunity.


private markets, net zero, infrastructure, real estate

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