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Looking to China for Public Equity Returns

With China looking to be an appealing geography to invest in public equites over the near future. Here are a few things to consider when making investment decisions:

Invest alongside areas where there is policy support: domestic consumption, hard technology, energy transition

Think as long-term as policy makers, because these periods of short-term high volatility are normal in Chinese markets

Focus on local markets: A-shares for equities and local currency government bonds

Take advantage of moments of crisis when stocks and bonds of good quality companies are sold off alongside other ones, creating better valuation opportunities

Invest actively with a manager that can do careful security selection in order to pick which companies will survive and which ones will thrive in China’s new phase of growth.

China’s initial phase of the reopening recovery is on track, with mobility and travel and leisure spending rebounding strongly – but in order for investors to feel more confident about the next phase of the recovery (household spending on other services and goods), it will be key for consumer confidence to continue moving higher.


public equities, emerging markets, asset management, executive search, recruitment, asset & wealth management

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