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Private Markets: An optimistic outlook for the second half of the year

Avoidance of public market volatility has shone an increasingly bright light on investing into private markets. Investors continue to look for stability and diversification, therefore, turning to alternative investments. J.P. Morgan commented across each segment of such investments, stating that "diversifying by vintage years can help achieve smoother, less volatile returns over time... It’s equally important to diversify by manager, investment strategy, geography and asset type—just as you would in a portfolio of listed stocks and bonds".

Alternatives offer investors a highly varied suite of investment strategies and there are varied benefits from each of these. For example, investments into the Infrastructure sector continue to evolve; offering dynamic and forward-thinking opportunities as the sector continues to make advancements. In comparison, private equity secondaries offer investors visibility across existing funds, shorter investment periods, and lessened exposure to the j-curve. These strategies, as well as core private equity, private credit, and real estate (amongst others), are showing  increasing attractivity outside of the traditional, institutional investor.

Whether you’re new to private markets or an experienced investor, we believe market conditions in 2023 will likely provide compelling entry points as the year progresses.


private markets, alternatives

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