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Standing by Sustainability

Robeco, a leader in sustainable investing, has released the results from its third global climate survey, providing poignant insight into investor behaviours in the arena of ESG. Trends highlighted in the survey include a growing interest in biodiversity investing, the expanding significance of social issues, and an increased focus on the Just Transition to renewable energy in reference to the greening of economies through processes that are inclusive and socially equitable.

Of note is Robeco’s foregrounding of the aspiration of many investors to remain committed to sustainable investing. This is despite complex market conditions, including the energy crisis across the global economy associated with the Russia/Ukraine war, which has increased drag on the implementation of strategies focused on promoting long-term environmental and social change.

There is a sense of optimism from Robeco on their findings. Whilst only 40% of North American investors are concerned about future political pressure if they don’t take positive action on ESG issues, this number rises to 63% in Europe. Climate change is of particular importance, with an overall 85% of investors reporting that it will be a key part of their investment policy over the next two years. A fundamental issue moving forward concerns the continuation of effectively navigating the process of moving from ESG ambitions to implementation. Reaching net zero will require the conversion of desire for sustainable policies into real portfolio integration.

“All in all, we are close to reaching a tipping point for the mainstreaming of climate change, biodiversity and the Just Transition into investment strategy. There is much hard work ahead of us, and no less than 40% of investors express doubts as to whether they have the necessary knowledge, tools and policy incentives to make it happen. In that sense, the survey is a clear call upon policymakers and regulators to keep course toward net zero by 2050 and to provide the long-term clarity that investors need for making their contribution.” Lucian Peppelenbos, Climate & Biodiversity Strategist, Robeco


sustainable investing, investor behaviours, esg, net zero, asset & wealth management

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