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Private Markets Race To Wealth Investors

Alternative asset managers have been increasingly shifting their attention towards the pool of capital which was once heavily disassociated: Wealth. As institutional investors look away from private markets having possibly over-allocated and, therefore, in seek of other forms of portfolio diversification; alternative investment managers are tapping in to the pool of capital that wealth investors provides. 

Recent access to private investments for this channel of investors has shown to be highly attractive as they look to diversify portfolios away from liquid assets into new alternative products. Although there is a rush to become a competitor in this sector there is a huge amount of work to be done to be fully equipped in providing the correct products, marketing, distribution channels and jurisdictional coverage (amongst others) to these investors.

This vast, untapped market has become increasingly attractive to alternative asset managers seeking to sustain double-digit growth even as the industry matures. The reverse is also true: Wealthy individuals (not to mention their advisers) are increasingly drawn to alternative investments as they look for new diversification options and better returns than they can get in the traditional markets for public equity and debt.


private markets, alternative assets, wealth, wholesale, intermediary investors, private wealth solutions

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