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Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB)

An inclusive working environment is underpinned by diversifying at all levels, and across all facets of diversity. Firms which keep these beliefs at the forefront of their ethos have consistently proven to result in a happier and more profitable workforce. However, although diversity may have been achieved in some instances, there is certainly some work to be done around the inclusion and belonging aspects of DIB.

The financial services industry has made great improvement across DIB, however, from the perspective of any diverse individual, it may be overwhelming to be joining an industry which still has some way to go. There is something to be said for the bravery of individuals who are paving the way for the diversification of the workforce across the financial services industry, as this can be a daunting prospect joining an industry which has historically been dominated by a specific set of individuals. Therefore, this bravery should be met with a welcoming and inclusive attitude, ultimately leading to a feeling of belonging for all members. Acceptance at an individual level is essential for prosperity across the industry.

We live at a unique point in history. Faced with talent shortages, many global organizations are rethinking the way they approach diversity, inclusion and belonging and understanding that it’s never enough to simply hire diverse talent.


diversity, inclusion, esg, financial services, asset & wealth management

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