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Women in Finance – A New Horizon

Women make up 38% of the private equity and venture capital workforce but they only hold 15% of all senior roles in these industries. It is clear that women are still grossly underrepresented in positions of authority in the industry. There are many factors that contribute towards this that have been engrained into society for a long time. For example, unconscious biases mean that, historically, men tend to favour men when it comes to leadership and authority. Unfortunately, according to senior women in private equity and venture capital, they feel that they need to shout louder, be better, be more persistent, and be more forceful to be heard. Oftentimes men can be intolerant to women that have similar characteristics to men. They can be put down as being overly aggressive, even when conveying the same message as a man, who in turn would be branded ambitious and smart.

McKinsey and’s new report, Women in the Workplace 2020, confirms that PE lags corporate America on gender and diversity in senior ranks. Our analysis presents overall trends and averages for the industry, and we fully recognize that some PE firms have made advancements on DE&I. On the whole, gender and racial diversity at PE firms are stronger in entry-level positions than at the top.


private equity, venture capital, diversity, leadership, esg, asset & wealth management, private markets

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