The secondary market for stakes in private real estate funds is getting a push from investors. The demographic shifts, technological advances and evolving consumer preferences, combined with disruptions caused by the pandemic, are unlocking opportunities for new sources of capital. Historically a costly business, investors want the flexibility to re-structure their investments to adapt to changing economic conditions. PGIM Real Estate makes a bold move acquiring asset manager Montana Capital Partners, whilst Brookfield made two senior hires in 2020. Private Market Investments remain a high priority for allocators, whilst investment firms continue to diversify their products to differentiate from their competitors.
A New Secondary Market Is Rising Out of Pandemic-Fueled Changes to Real Estate
“Secondaries are really coming into their own. Covid just accelerated the increase,” said Eric Adler, president and CEO of PGIM Real Estate. “Some investors want to stay in real estate, but others want out. Secondaries are becoming a good solution.”