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Azimut unveils first Italian fund dedicated to social infrastructure

Further to my previous post in relation to the easing of lockdown - further efforts across Europe are continuing with investment firms looking at Infrastructure as a means to support the economic growth. 


As the continent looks to bounce back from the pandemic, Institutional Investors are looking to invest in schools, student housing, care homes, medical and sports facilities, and technology infrastructure. 


Azimut is the first to announce a fund of this type for Italy - an interesting period that will have investment management firms edging closer to launching funds for this ever growing asset class...

'Independent asset management company Azimut has launched a closed-ended impact infrastructure fund to aid economic growth in Italy. The fund, which is believed to be the first of its kind in Italy, will focus on infrastructure projects that will target around €1bn of assets to invest in schools, student housing, elderly residences, medical facilities, sports facilities and technological infrastructure.' Azimut unveils first Italian fund dedicated to social infrastructure


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