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AMC At Risk Minds Insurance Conference, Amsterdam

In March I attended the RiskMinds Annual European Insurance conference in Amsterdam, which attracted a wide variety of executives from the European insurance industry. Delegates were drawn from more than 20 countries and included over 30 Chief Risk Officers, alongside Chief Investment Officers from some of Europe's largest insurance firms, senior stakeholders from Regulators and from Insurance Investment management.

AMC Executive Search contributed to Day 1 of the conference, which was dedicated to Capital and Liquidity Management. I acted as a panellist for the In-house Vs External Asset Management discussion, led by Erik Vynckier, Partner in InsurTech Venture Partners. Chief Investment Officer representation on the panel was provided by Ageas' Wim Vermeir, and from a leading insurance third party manager, Eugene Dimitriou, Head of Insurance Solutions at Columbia Threadneedle.


executive search, recruitment, insurance solutions

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