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Investment Performance hindered by Gender Inequality

A recent report by Oliver Wyman pointed out the link between poor investment performance and the industry's collective failure to employ a gender diverse pool of decision makers - just 15% of portfolio managers in December 2015 were women.

Elsewhere, a leading investment consultant has recently spoken of "hard-wiring (gender diversity) into the process of allocating money".  Across Europe, regulators and governance bodies alike are increasing their calls for funds to increase trustee board female representation, whilst the UK's Legal & General has publicly targeted '50:50 by 2020' as its target for its senior decision makers... 

Willis Towers Watson will require fund managers to provide data about the gender composition across their workforce, a move that responds to evidence that more women in the workforce improves financial performance. The plan was mentioned by Luba Nikulina, global head of manager research at Willis Towers Watson, at an MSCI event on the subject of women in finance in London last week. She spoke of “hardwiring this into the process of allocating money”. “If asset owners add their voice it will help to move things forward,” she added. She was responding to a comment from a representative of a local authority pension fund about asset owners wanting better data on gender representation in roles below board level


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